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College Closure - Tuesday, March 4
Due to inclement weather, all credit classes will follow remote learning continuity plans. All non-credit classes and events are canceled. All OPE电子竞技官网 locations will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
Continue to monitor official OPE电子竞技官网 communication channels for any closure notices for March 5.
Changes ahead
Some pages will look different than others as we modernize to bring you an even better website.
Metropolitan Community College Career Experiences banner with "Career" in the center, and outer items running clockwise: Education, skills, vision, interests, values, and goals

Tools and Resources

OPE电子竞技官网 offers a variety of career tools and resources. Many of these resources can be used for self-help career planning (see links below), although we recommend contacting Career Experiences for assistance.

Explore Careers
Fergusons Career Guidance Center

Professional Development Workshops and Resources 

College Prep 101
Job Search 101
Soft Skills 101
Resume Building 101 

Job Interview Preparation (Mock Interviews)

Networking Tools
Create your profile on LinkedIn (the largest professional networking platform that will help you build your online brand, grow and maintain your professional network, and search for jobs. Social Media Guide to Linkedin.  Contact us if you need assistance to build your LinkedIn profile.

Job Websites

Career Coach
CareerOneStop State Job Banks

Contact us